Pablo Albella, Developer in Málaga, Spain
Pablo is available for hire
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Pablo Albella

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Systems Engineering Developer

Málaga, Spain
Toptal Member Since
June 23, 2014

Pablo is a highly talented JavaScript and .NET开发人员,在IT行业有超过19年的经验. He spent over five years specializing in .NET development and five in front-end JavaScript frameworks. Pablo已经创建了许多复杂的系统,并且能够轻松地与高效的人一起工作, motivated teams.



Preferred Environment

Angular, React, JavaScript, .NET 5, Express.js

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Senior Front-end Angular Developer

2021 - 2022
Toptal's Client
  • 在前端使用Angular 11实现了一个项目,并将其与后端解决方案集成在 .NET 5.
  • Created the architecture of a REST API in .Net 5.
  • Used technologies such as Angular, NgRx, .Net 6, and Tailwind CSS.
Technologies: Tailwind CSS, Angular, .NET Core

React and Express/Node.js/Angular Developer

2018 - 2021
Toptal's Client
  • 在前端使用React和Redux实现新功能.
  • Worked on a project with a REST API created with Express.js. The database was using MongoDB.
  • 用Angular 8创建了一个项目,后来在另一个项目中迁移到了Angular 10. 它最初是用adb2c构建的,后来迁移到Odic,在一个完美的像素UI中使用Bootstrap.
  • 使用React, Redux, MongoDB, Express, Bootstrap和c#等技术 .NET Core 3.1. Completed tasks managed with teams (DevOps).
Technologies: Angular, CSS, React

JavaScript Front-end Developer

2016 - 2018
Toptal's Client
  • Worked with a client who had a REST API for a year. Charged with the front end. 它是用AngularJS使用Bootstrap构建的,后来迁移到了Angular 2+. 该站点是从头开始构建的,API通信速度很快.
  • 按时、高质量地完成Trello管理的任务.
  • Used Grunt and Node.js to build the solution and deployment.
Technologies: Bootstrap, CSS


2015 - 2016
Toptal's Client
  • 与一个拥有SaaS产品的客户合作,该产品管理租赁业务的日程安排和发票. 开发了他们的产品和QuickBooks在线之间的集成.
  • Built the integration using .NET and MySQL and hosted it on AWS. 客户端有一个shell程序,使用OAuth连接到QuickBooks Online. 需要QBO经验和对业务系统和会计的一般理解.
  • Constructed a front-end stack integrated into a force.Com后端应用程序使用客户端的线框图和规范. 与许多其他SaaS系统一起工作,如NuORDER, Exact Online, BuildPro和QuickBooks Desktop.
  • 对jQuery, HTML5和REST/JSON API集成有较强的了解.
Technologies: Web API 2, Azure


2013 - 2015
Santex America
  • 开发以视频为特色的内容交付系统(Origin Digital), ads, ad injection, transcoding, live events, linear events, VOD, subtitles, playlists, channels, video scheduling, and encoding.
  • Designed and implemented a video encoding system for both VOD and live content; built using .NET and MVC.
  • Deployed on Cloud Amazon WS and distributed through Akamai HD CDN; allowed the system to take a URL of the content to be encoded as input and convert it to different outputs with configurable output paths (Amazon or FTP), qualities, bitrates, and more.
  • Coordinated Santex’s developments efforts for Origin Digital.
  • 在一个有7名开发人员和1名项目经理的团队中工作.
Technologies: Web API 2, Node.js, Entity Framework, Durandal, Web MVC, C#, CSS


2010 - 2013
  • Worked on a project creating AON, 一家提供风险管理的英国跨国公司, insurance, and reinsurance brokerage.
  • Developed a quotation insurance system for AON with both a front-end and back-end application; worked with AOP-Spring technologies.
  • 获得了NHibernate架构和WWF等技术的经验, Fluent, and Spring, and patterns like singleton and MVP.
  • Worked on the Comcel project, developing numerous branding and promotional applications for company contests; used the Oracle and SQL Server databases.
  • Developed the BSI (British Standards Institution) system. Designed and developed a quality tracking tool for BSI. Used the following technologies: C# ASP.NET 2010, IIS7, MVC3, and Razor.
Technologies: .NET


2008 - 2010
  • Led software implementation projects for the company.
  • Worked with ADO and stored procedure technologies.
  • 提供ERP处理配送物流模块的咨询服务, purchasing, materials, accounts receivable, and accounting modules.
  • 从事物流业务流程分析,制定ERP流程和参数化.
  • 为菲亚特、皮耶罗等公司的业务流程分析提供咨询.
  • 就使用工作流(BPM)的流程的技术解决方案提供建议并提供服务.
Technologies: UML, Java

Functional Analyst, .NET Developer

2006 - 2010
Tagle Group
  • 为软件需求规范(SRS)创建模板, system use case diagrams, use case specification documents, and DTE.
  • 设计开发了一个汽车经销商销售管理系统.
  • 获得了调查和记录业务单位经销商的经验, Avant, and Motcor; monitored spare parts, the workshop, sales, and savings plans.
  • 整合了一个软件开发团队,成员来自prominent(一家位于Córdoba的软件外包公司), Argentina).
  • 开发了一个基于存储过程的客户机-服务器体系结构的多层应用程序.
  • Developed the database using Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
  • Used VB.NET in Visual Studio 2005.
Technologies: .NET

Computer Technician and Teacher (IT Department)

2004 - 2006
National University (UNC)
  • 在系教室讲授Word, Excel, Internet, Windows和Linux课程.
  • Handled the department Linux servers.
  • 负责部门的系统维护,以及数据库和网站的维护.
  • 安装和管理来自不同发行版的Linux服务器, including Slackware, Mandrake, RedHat, and Debian.
  • 用PHP设计并开发了新部门的web系统, connecting to a PostgreSQL database on Linux.
  • Gained experience in Visual Basic 6, 开发一个使用Crystal Reports为IT部门生成证书的系统.
Technologies: Linux

怡安集团是一家提供风险管理服务的英国跨国公司, insurance, and reinsurance brokerage. I developed a web application for the company using ASP.NET C#, WWF, and SQL Server 2008. I gained experience in NHibernate architecture, technologies like Fluent and Spring, and patterns such as singleton and MVP.


Comcel is a Colombian telephone company. 我为公司竞赛开发了许多品牌和促销应用程序. I gained experience with the Oracle and SQL Server databases. 我还用JavaScript编写了公司竞赛用的游戏.

BSI is the British Standards Institution. 我的职责是为BSI设计和开发一个质量跟踪工具. I used the following technologies: C# ASP.NET 2010, IIS7, MVC3, and Razor.

Origin Digital - Verizon

This is a content delivery system featuring video, ads, ad injection, transcoding, live events, linear events, VOD, subtitles, playlists, channels, video scheduling, and encoding. I developed the web application and various tools using C#, .NET, MVC 3 & 4, SPA (Durandal), jQuery, Entity Framework, and WCF.

Whitney - Siglo 21 - University

This is a platform for education. 我用了6个月的时间使用AngularJS, Node开发了web应用程序和各种工具.js, Karma, and Web API 2.


Octopus is an internal management platform. 我搭建了一个平台,负责管理Santex的所有业务领域——从人力资源开始, to billing, to administration, etc. I created tickets and developed tasks. 我还执行代码审查、单元测试、开发计划和评估. I provided demos for a team of 6 developers.
技术:XP框架,GitLab,实体框架,MVC4, AngularJS, JIRA, SQL Server, c#, Node.js, ASP.NET Web API 2, Microsoft Framework 4.5, Scrum.
2000 - 2006

Engineer's Degree in Systems Engineering

Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Córdoba, Argentina


Entity Framework, Node.js, React, Google Maps, Web API 2, React Redux




Bootstrap, Angular, Angular Material, Durandal, Tailwind CSS, .NET Core, Express.js, .NET 5


C#, JavaScript, CSS, TypeScript


Agile Software Development, Scrum


SQL Server 2008, MySQL, Oracle SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB




Web MVC, Systems Engineering, User Interface (UI)

Collaboration That Works

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