Kelechi Ibekwe,加纳大阿克拉地区阿克拉设计师
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Kelechi Ibekwe

Verified Expert  in Design


Toptal Member Since
June 3, 2020

Kele Ibekwe是一位技艺高超的产品设计师和增长策略师,对打造卓越的用户体验充满热情. 他有超过七年的令人印象深刻的记录,将与用户产生共鸣的创新概念带入生活. Kele专注于以用户为中心的设计和发展, working in marketplaces, fintech, enterprise, climate, sports, and medical, among others, 设计服务数百万客户的界面.


Work Experience

Design Lead

2023 - PRESENT
  • 领导国际SEM计划的增长设计.
  • 参与不同项目的线框图和设计实施.
  • 对现有网页进行用户体验审核并提出建议.
Technologies: Figma, Miro

Lead Product Designer

2022 - 2023
  • 设计了一款电动汽车智能充电应用和奖励计划的MVP, including user flows, wireframes, 还有高保真的模型.
  • 与跨职能团队合作,确定产品愿景和战略.
  • 进行用户研究和可用性测试,收集反馈并对设计进行迭代.
  • 为应用程序创建视觉设计语言和资产, including icons, typography, and color palette.
  • 与开发人员合作实现设计并确保无缝的用户体验.
  • 参与开发应用的品牌和营销材料.
  • 参与敏捷开发,包括日常站立会议、冲刺计划和演示.
  • 使用Figma创建样式指南和其他资产.
Technologies: Figma


2022 - 2023
  • 充当成长之间的桥梁, CRO, 通过设计和开发实验来提高不同产品类别的转化率, 从汽车保修到家庭安全.
  • 根据主题研究重新设计登陆页面体验,通过提高点击率(CTR)和提高潜在客户质量来改善转化结果.
  • 为我们的设计计划创建实验模板, 从设计到实验和现场测试的过程中,哪一个起到了指导作用.
  • 为我们的产品类别设计新功能, such as trust builders, 产品评级和评论, and forms.
  • 通过逻辑调整改进了跨多个类别的表单转换, design changes, and content design.
技术:Figma, optimely, Jira, Google Analytics

UI and Visual Designer

2022 - 2022
Laerdal医疗AS - Main
  • 与Laerdal Medical Norway和Laerdal Medical America合作,为企业和DTC客户(如美国心脏协会(AHA))设计了一款符合OSHA法规的新服务产品MVP.
  • 就新的潜在产品和直接面向消费者的产品实施策略进行研究研讨会.
  • 致力于不同客户的订阅细分.
  • 对实践学习模块进行用户体验审计,并概述弥补差距的策略.
技术:视觉设计, UI Design, Prototyping, UI Branding, Illustration, Infographics, Visual Storytelling, Ideation, Stakeholder Engagement, 学习管理系统(LMS), Edtech Design, 信息架构(IA), Style Guides, UX Review, 以用户为中心的设计, Interaction Design (IxD), UX Wireframes

Lead UX/UI Designer

2021 - 2022
  • 领导公司两个团队的用户体验,并与工程师一起工作, data analysts, SEO specialists, marketplace reps, 还有一位产品经理,为消费者重新设计一种新的个性化体验.
  • 制定增长计划和转化优化, 我的一些一般任务包括与设计师合作收集和评估用户需求, product managers, and engineers.
  • 通过分析来自Google Analytics和Qlik的数据并结合用户测试见解,提高了转化率.
  • 使用故事板、用户流和站点地图说明设计思想.
  • 创建低保真和高保真原型,清楚地说明网站的功能和外观.
  • 进行了从多变体测试到专题测试的各种测试场景.
  • 准备并向内部团队和关键利益相关者提交草稿.
  • 在Figma中构建和更新设计系统组件.
Technologies: Figma, Sketch, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Hotjar, UsabilityHub, Qlik Sense, Accessibility, 转化率优化(CRO), Web UX Design, Mobile UX Design, UI Design, Design Systems, Google Analytics, Google Analytics 360, Graphic Design, Visual Design, Web App UX, Web Design, Websites, Web UI, Prototyping, User Interviews, User Requirements, Presentations, Marketplaces, SaaS, Software, Two-sided Marketplaces, Web UX, eCommerce UI, 响应式网页设计(RWD), B2B, SEO Audits, 信息架构(IA), Style Guides, UX Review, 以用户为中心的设计, Interaction Design (IxD), UX Wireframes

Product Designer

2021 - 2021
  • 在六周的时间里,从研究到构思,从头开始设计MVP.
  • 进行深入的发现过程,识别和分类复杂的用户角色.
  • 通过关注用户配置文件,将独特的用户需求转化为相应的用户体验功能.
  • 采用从信息架构(IA)到完成开发的路径,战略性地优先考虑现场用户旅程, 为所有用户组提供功能性的站点体验.
技术:用户体验(UX), User Interface (UI), Product Design, Mobile App Design, 信息架构(IA), Style Guides, UX Review, Mobile Apps, 以用户为中心的设计, Interaction Design (IxD), UX Wireframes, App Design, Native Mobile Apps

Senior Product Designer

2021 - 2021
Casual Sushi
  • 进行深入的发现过程,识别和分类复杂的用户角色.
  • 通过关注用户配置文件,将独特的用户需求转化为相应的用户体验功能.
  • 采用从信息架构(IA)到全面开发的路径,战略性地优先考虑现场用户旅程, 为所有用户组提供功能性的站点体验.
  • 参与magformers项目.com and
Technologies: Figma, ClickUp, Miro, 信息架构(IA), Style Guides, UX Review, Mobile Apps, 以用户为中心的设计, Interaction Design (IxD), UX Wireframes, App Design, Native Mobile Apps

Senior Product Designer

2021 - 2021
  • 进行UX审计,更新MVP的设计语言.
  • 推出了一个新的食谱搜索和菜单体验,专注于简化步骤,并将计时器链接到每个步骤.
  • 设计了一个社区食谱部分的应用程序,以帮助审查食谱和结果.
Technologies: Figma, iOS, 信息架构(IA), Style Guides, UX Review, Mobile Apps, 以用户为中心的设计, Interaction Design (IxD), UX Wireframes, App Design, Native Mobile Apps

UI Designer

2020 - 2021
Sartorial Group
  • Designed the first, second, 第三个版本的MVP是一个衣橱管理应用程序, 向iOS商店的前100名用户发布.
  • 从风格指南开始构建一个设计系统,包括颜色、排版和其他资产.
  • 对第一批用户进行用户调研和测试.
Technologies: Figma, Amplitude, Firebase, Adobe After Effects, 信息架构(IA), Style Guides, UX Review, Mobile Apps, 以用户为中心的设计, Interaction Design (IxD), UX Wireframes, App Design, Native Mobile Apps

UI/UX Designer

2020 - 2020
Sense (via Toptal)
  • 对移动线框和Sense现有设计进行UX审核, 一家致力于数字购物体验的公司.
  • 为iOS应用创建高保真模型, 在入职过程中使用教程完成.
  • 为iOS登录过程创建插图.
Technologies: MVP Design, Product Design, Color Theory, Android, Prototyping, Cross-platform UX, Fashion & 美容,苹果手表设计,用户体验审计,iOS用户体验设计,运动设计,WatchOS,健康 & Wellness, Mobile UX Design, Mobile App Design, Mobile Design, Fashion, Mobile UX, Illustration, Mobile UI Design, iOS, Mobile UI, User Interface (UI), Wireframing, Figma, User Flows, User Experience (UX), Web App UI, iOS UI Design, UI Design, UX Design, After Effects CC, Adobe Illustrator, Fitness Trackers, Exercise & Fitness, Mobile App UI, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Visual Design, 人工智能(AI), Design Systems, Accessibility, Logo Design, User Requirements, Iconography, Presentations, Software, 信息架构(IA), Style Guides, UX Review, Mobile Apps, 以用户为中心的设计, Interaction Design (IxD), UX Wireframes, App Design, Native Mobile Apps

Product Designer

2020 - 2020
The Key Clinic
  • 更新了Key Clinic移动应用程序设计的品牌标识,该诊所致力于帮助有学习困难、行为和情绪问题的儿童和成人, 哪些经常被误诊.
  • 为iOS应用的用户体验流程创建线框图并制作原型.
  • 为iOS应用创建高保真模型并制作原型.
  • 对网站和移动应用的需求进行UX审计.
Technologies: MVP Design, Android, Prototyping, Health, Cross-platform UX, Product Design, UX Audits, iOS UX Design, Motion Design, Typography, Health & Wellness, Wellness, Mobile UX Design, Mobile App Design, Mobile Design, Mobile UX, Mobile UI Design, iOS, Mobile UI, User Interface (UI), Wireframing, Figma, Brand Identity, User Flows, User Research, User Experience (UX), Web App UI, iOS UI Design, UI Design, UX Design, Color Theory, Mobile App UI, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Graphic Design, Visual Design, Design Systems, Web UX Design, Accessibility, Healthcare, Web App UX, Web Design, Websites, Web UI, User Requirements, Presentations, Wearables, Software, Web UX, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 信息架构(IA), Style Guides, UX Review, Mobile Apps, 以用户为中心的设计, Interaction Design (IxD), UX Wireframes, App Design, Native Mobile Apps

UI/UX Designer

2019 - 2020
  • 根据Apple Watch操作系统的人机界面指南重新设计Apple Watch界面.
  • 对移动端app进行用户体验审核,重新设计移动端app UI,以匹配新的Watch app.
  • 重新设计了培训师和管理人员的门户网站部分,并重新定义了一些现有的工作流程.
  • 创建了风格指南和新的标志和品牌标志,创造了独特的品牌体验.
  • 编译了几个视频,并对它们进行了编辑和色彩校正,为移动应用程序的登录部分创建了一个具有前卫感觉的视频.
Technologies: MVP Design, Color Theory, Apple Watch, Android, Prototyping, Web UI, Cross-platform UX, Product Design, Video Editing, UX Audits, Wearable Technology, WatchOS UI, Smartwatch Design, iOS UX Design, Fitness, Typography, WatchOS, Wellness, Mobile UX Design, Mobile Design, Mobile UX, Mobile UI Design, iOS, Mobile UI, User Interface (UI), Wireframing, Figma, Brand Identity, User Flows, User Experience (UX), Web App UI, iOS UI Design, UI Design, UX Design, Mobile App UI, Web UI Design, Exercise & Fitness, Fitness Trackers, Graphic Design, Visual Design, Design Systems, Web UX Design, Accessibility, Web App UX, Web Design, User Requirements, Presentations, Wearables, Software, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 信息架构(IA), Style Guides, UX Review, Mobile Apps, 以用户为中心的设计, UX Wireframes, App Design, Native Mobile Apps


2018 - 2020
Red Beryl Media
  • Led, designed, and delivered high-end, 为科技创业公司提供以用户为中心的移动和网络体验, 银行和金融公司, logistics companies, real estate agencies, and more.
  • 开发设计挑战, 基准和PACT分析, user scenarios, user surveys, MoSCoW analysis, user stories, 以及数字产品的用户流.
  • 为用户测试和定性研究开发线框图和原型.
  • 为客户设计品牌标识和指导方针,并将品牌转化为设计系统和网站.
  • 设计信息架构,并领导设计思维会议,绘制用户体验流程.
  • 在发布活动和营销计划之前,为品牌和产品制作插图和营销材料.
技术:MVP设计,色彩理论,旅游 & Leisure, Web UI Design, Finance, Fintech, Android, Prototyping, Health, Web UI, Cross-platform UX, Fashion & Beauty, Product Design, Video Editing, UX Audits, Wearable Technology, WatchOS UI, Smartwatch Design, iOS UX Design, Fitness, Motion Design, Typography, WatchOS, Wellness, Mobile UX Design, Mobile App Design, Mobile Design, Entertainment & Leisure, Real Estate, Fashion, Marketplaces, Mobile UX, Healthcare, Websites, Mobile UI Design, iOS, Mobile UI, User Interface (UI), Wireframing, Figma, Brand Identity, User Flows, User Research, User Experience (UX), Web App UI, iOS UI Design, UI Design, UX Design, Miro, Mobile App UI, ProtoPie, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Notion, Sketch, Graphic Design, Visual Design, Google Analytics 360, Design Systems, Web UX Design, Accessibility, Logo Design, Web App UX, Web Design, User Interviews, User Requirements, Iconography, Presentations, Wearables, SaaS, Software, Two-sided Marketplaces, 转化率优化(CRO), Web UX, eCommerce UI, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 信息架构(IA), Style Guides, UX Review, Mobile Apps, 以用户为中心的设计, UX Wireframes, App Design, Native Mobile Apps


2016 - 2018
  • 领导和创建以社交媒体发布为重点的广告项目的设计方向.
  • 对客户的竞争对手进行数据驱动研究,并针对客户的项目提出改进策略.
  • 设计网站登陆页面,并与营销团队合作,推动社交媒体线索的转化.
  • 为焦点小组和A/B测试开发线框图和原型.
  • 插图,创建故事板,计划视觉效果,并设置动画场景.
  • 在特定的营销活动和动画之前为客户活动编写脚本.
  • 计划社交媒体发布,并计划在竞选期间发布的内容.
技术:产品设计, Color Theory, Prototyping, Web UI, Cross-platform UX, Video Editing, iOS UX Design, Motion Design, Typography, Mobile UX Design, Mobile App Design, Mobile Design, Fashion, Marketplaces, Mobile UX, Illustration, Websites, Mobile UI, User Interface (UI), Wireframing, Figma, Brand Identity, User Flows, User Experience (UX), Mobile App UI, Adobe After Effects, Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Graphic Design, Visual Design, Logo Design, Web Design, Presentations

Visual Designer

2015 - 2016
Life of Lagos
  • 为营销活动制作插图,并撰写创意文案,以推动社交媒体的参与.
  • 根据客户的品牌使命,为客户建立品牌识别指南, vision, 以及设计视觉和标志的哲学.
  • 建模3D动画设置和照明动画场景的生产.
技术:色彩理论, Video Editing, Typography, Illustration, Autodesk Maya, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Graphic Design, Visual Design, Logo Design, Presentations, Web UX, 以用户为中心的设计, UX Wireframes
2017 - 2017


MIT - Boston

2010 - 2015




Data Analyst Nanodegree



Figma, Autodesk Maya, Hotjar, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Miro, Adobe Photoshop, ProtoPie, After Effects CC, UsabilityHub, Qlik Sense, Google Analytics, Jira, Lookback, Sketch, Illustrator CC, Optimizely


iOS, Android, WatchOS, Apple Watch, Google Analytics 360, Firebase

Industry Expertise

时尚、健康、房地产、旅游 & Leisure, Entertainment & 休闲,保健,健康 & Wellness, Fashion & Beauty, Exercise & 健身,健身,物流,安全


User Flows, User Research, Mobile App UI, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Wireframing, Web App UI, iOS UI Design, Product Design, UI Design, UX Design, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Presentations, Cross-platform UX, Mobile UI Design, User Requirements, Prototyping, Mobile Design, Mobile App Design, Mobile UX Design, Color Theory, Web UI Design, iOS UX Design, Iconography, UI Style Guides, Finance, MVP Design, 转化率优化(CRO), Design Systems, Visual Design, Software, Two-sided Marketplaces, Web UX, eCommerce UI, 响应式网页设计(RWD), eCommerce, 信息架构(IA), Style Guides, UX Review, Mobile Apps, 以用户为中心的设计, Interaction Design (IxD), UX Wireframes, App Design, Native Mobile Apps, Brand Identity, User Journeys, Web App UX, Wearables, Branding, Web Design, Logo Design, Information Design, Marketplaces, Fintech, Cryptocurrency, Fashion Design, User Interviews, Notion, Websites, Web UI, Illustration, UX Architecture, Wellness, Typography, Apple Watch Design, Fitness Trackers, Motion Design, WatchOS UI, Smartwatch Design, Video Editing, Wearable Technology, UX Audits, Accessibility, Web UX Design, Graphic Design, SaaS, B2B, Delivery,, Information Gathering, CRM Design, Medtech, Usability, Unity, 人工智能(AI), SEO Audits, Amplitude, UI Branding, Infographics, Visual Storytelling, Ideation, Stakeholder Engagement, 学习管理系统(LMS), Edtech Design, ClickUp

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